• Hi! I want to create a WP site where a local school radio station can archive their shows. Eg. someone does a 2 hour show which they have recorded as an MP3. They then log into the WordPress site and uploads their show in their show’s area. Once uploaded, they could then log back in and download the show, but not delete it–only the Station manager could delete the show from storage, and a DJ could only see shows stored in their specific area.

    Does not have to be pretty. Does not have to do anything ither than act as storage for uploaded files.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Almost anything is doable if you’re willing to custom code a solution. Ability to upload without being able to edit or delete can be managed through role capabilities. By default all media uploads are publicly accessible provided one knows the correct URL. If you want to control who can access what, consider some sort of membership plugin.

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