• Resolved Brisch


    First: Thanks for this plugin, it looks great! And works great for a long time!
    Second: on my test-site (link above) it gets a horizontal scrollbar on the mobile phone (with:400px). On your own site (https://progressbar.jazzsequence.com/other-examples/) it works well (width:100%;).

    Is there any change you make an update to have this plugin also mobile-ready here?

    Thanks, Brisch

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Chris Reynolds


    hi @brisch

    I’m glad you like the plugin and that people continue to get use out of it even after it’s been so long since I originally wrote it. 😁

    I address your specific question a bit in the readme where it walks through all the various shortcode parameters: https://wordpress.org/plugins/progress-bar/#description

    Specifically, using fullwidth=true should switch the width to 100% and work on mobile. More variation than that (e.g. if you wanted the 400px width on desktop and 100% on mobile) would require custom styles but there are some notes about that in the readme as well.

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter Brisch


    Wow, you are fast! And THANKS! it worked!!! 🙂

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