• Hi!

    We’ve noticed that you have released multiple versions on trunk in your SVN repository.
    The tags/x.x snapshots of these versions appear to not have been created.

    It would be great if you could create a tags/x.x for each new version you release.

    Especially for people who are using services like wpackagist.org it really makes it a lot easier if the versions remain separate after a new one is released.

    Currently we experience problems with our configuration, because we’re using wpackagist to install the plugin via composer. We are saying we want version 1.1 installed, but it only finds the version defined in trunk or in one of the tags. So it only knows about 1.5 and 0.90, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7 and so on.

    Hope this is something you could improve upon, it would really help us a lot!

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