• Resolved Carsten Bach


    Hello @tigroumeow,

    your new Plugin looks really promising. I was looking for something like this for times! Thanks for your work and effort!

    But …

    Where are the services you mentioned in your Readme?
    I’m missing the ‘tabs’ to connect to facebook and instagram.

    Also I was wondering, why you started coding all the connections yourself, while you could have used keyring to have all this done for you.
    I think @beaulebens would love to see your contribution in the keyring-ecosystem.

    Best Regards

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  • Wow, looks impressive! Thanks for the headsup @carstenbach.

    If Keyring is useful here, I’m happy to accept additions/updates to the core library.

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow



    I’m missing the ‘tabs’ to connect to facebook and instagram.

    Sorry about this 🙁 This is only in the Pro version. I absolutely need to run a Pro version for Instagram as it’s a very tricky social network to handle, and like all my projects, I want to keep them running for years and enhance them non-stop, whatever the number of downloads is.

    Also I was wondering, why you started coding all the connections yourself, while you could have used keyring to have all this done for you.

    Oh, that’s because I didn’t know it existed! And it looks really good, indeed 🙂 Thing is I am always a bit afraid to depend on third-party plugins and I want to make absolutely sure I know and control all the code for my own plugins perfectly. I want them to run now and always, whatever happens, and I need to ensure that by all means.

    That said, developers will be able to create additional plugin for Social Engine, which will being access to additional social networks. It’s already possible (there is an internal APIs based on a bunch of functions, actions ands filters) but I didn’t work on the documentation yet. And on my side, I will sponsor my project only based on Facebook and Instagram, and maybe one or two little features, but it will be completely expendable by developers.

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