• Resolved poiuty4398


    How do I align the bar in the middle of the page? it is sticked to the left right now.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Chris Reynolds


    Hi! Sorry for the delay but I was out of town last week and so only had a chance to look into this today. I wanted to make sure I was giving correct information, so I needed to test this to doublecheck because it’s been a while since I wrote this plugin.

    By default, if you simply use something like [wppb progress=50] then the progress bar will inherit whatever the default alignment is for the container it’s in (e.g. left-align). However, as soon as you specify a location for the progress % to display (e.g. [wppb progress=50 location=inside] or [wppb progress=50 location=after], it will center align the whole thing by default.

    If you do not want to display the progress %, then you can add " " into the text parameter (e.g. [wppb progress=50 location=inside text=" "]. This will render a plain progress bar with no progress percentage displayed. You can put any other text in there as well and the progress bar will be center aligned.

    Another option is to use fullwidth=true. This will make the progress bar take up the full width of the content container so the alignment is somewhat irrelevant.

    There are examples of all the shortcode parameters on my demo site and all the parameters are documented in the readme.

    You can also use custom CSS to handle alignment, but that’s a bit trickier and probably unnecessary if all you want to do is center-align the progress bar.

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