• Hello, I have some issues in the menu of my website after the wordpress update, when clicked the burguer button don’t display the menu, I disabled all the plugins and try with another themes and whappened the same, the weird is that only happen in the desktop version.

    When I check out the page with the inspector, the console shows this message.. “Uncaught TypeError: The “@wordpress/interactivity” specifier was a basic specifier, but was not remapped to anything. Relative module specifiers must begin with “./”, “../” or “/”.

    any advice?

    btw.. sorry for my bad english

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello

    1St, there’s no problem with your English. Your message is completely understable.
    I’ve just visited your website and the menu on top right is working. This part is managed by your theme more than by WordPress.
    Is a theme update available in your backoffice ?

    Thread Starter johams


    Hello Sebastian, thank you for fast answer.

    The theme updated almost in the same time that the WordPress, i use the Twenty Twenty-Four, but i tried with the version 2020-three and 2020-two and happen the same.

    But you test and say that is working right… now i’m very confused, maybe is a problem with my browser?

    It may be a cache browser error, you should try to clear it .

    I have had the same issue when I accsses url http://saviochaul.com.br with Firefox, when browser load the page at first time I do not have the error, but when I go to another page the hamburger menu stop to works, at Apple firefox it returns to work after I reload home page, but at linux firefox, I need to criate another window to start to work again, when I disable AddToAny Share Buttons plugin, its works ok, but I have make a tests with others plugins to share content and I have the same result the hamburger menu does not work.
    I have this issue only at my remote environment, at my local environment with Debian 12 and Docker it works without no issues.

    WordPress: 6.5.2
    Theme: Twenty-twenty-four
    with any Share pugin active(now AddToAny Share Buttons is active)

    FROM php:7.4-apache


    image: wordpress

    image: mysql:8.0

    thank you


    You located a conflict between your theme and AddToAny Share Buttons.
    Because TwentyTwentyFour is a default WordPress theme, the conflict is more surely in Add To Any.
    You should report this to the plugin support forum. It seems you’re not alone: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/broken-hamburger-menu-interaction/


    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Sébastien SERRE. Reason: Correct typos

    Thank you Serre, I’ll get in touch with them, but the strangest thing is that the problem persists in all the plugins that include the share buttons that I’ve tested, including those updated for this version, I think I’ve tested about 8.

    Thread Starter johams


    Hello @alexfreitassp in my case the problem was the firefox, I use a mac with ios 10.13 and noticed that firefox have like a “extended support version” for this ios, and looks that don’t handle well the wordpress update.

    When I installed chrome everything work great.

    Hi johams, have you used any share plugin? I have asked you becose it is my case, if you are not, try to diseble your plugins and test, if your menu works, try to active one by one until you discover wher is the conflict.

    If you discovery any thing, please post it at this chat:

    Where are from? I ask becose my english is not very too
    Good luck

    Thread Starter johams


    Hi @alexfreitassp

    I tested disable all my plugins and changue the theme (i use twenty twenty-four like you) and the problem persist.

    In my case was the firefox (in my old mac) that don’t handle well the wordpress update.

    I see your website in Chrome and the menu work great but in firefox don’t work.

    Ps. Hablo español



    I have a very old Mac (OSX 10.12.6) – I’m seeing a similar issue in Firefox 115.10.0esr. But the website I’m working on has a Twenty Twenty-Two child theme.

    The menu button doesn’t work in Safari Version 12.1.2 (12607.3.10) either – but that version of Safari is ancient, so new things not working with that browser is to be expected at this point.

    Strangely, the menu button works in Chrome Version 103.0.5060.134, even though Chrome is no longer being supported on this OS, and has gone longer without updates than Firefox esr.

    I found this article helpful: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2024/03/04/script-modules-in-6-5/

    (Scroll down to “Technical Details”)

    Firefox esr seems to have trouble with "@wordpress/interactivity" in the file “wp-includes/blocks/navigation/view.min.js” – it returns that same Uncaught TypeError.

    If I change the beginning of that file from

    import*as e from"@wordpress/interactivity"


    import*as e from"/wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity.min.js"

    the menu button works in Firefox esr.

    Thread Starter johams


    Hello @becleung thank you so much for you help.

    I changed the file and work great in firefox 115.10.0esr

    you’re the best!!!

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