• アップデートしてからアイコンの変更が出来なくなりました。

    I can no longer change the icon after updating.
    I don’t know if it’s a problem with this plugin or with WordPress.
    Do you know, do you have similar symptoms?

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  • WPTouch causes a javascript error in the latest version of WP. In most browsers you can right-click any space on the page and then click Inspect. Then click Console. You will see the error, caused by using jQuery.live(), a legacy function in jquery.

    WP has an official plugin to fix this issue:
    “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper”
    See also: https://wptavern.com/major-jquery-changes-on-the-way-for-wordpress-5-5-and-beyond

    When a plugin like WPTouch triggers a js error, any “live” elements on the page stop working. In this case it affects a WPTouch feature, but it can also stop other features, like those from other plugins or WP itself.

    Also, WPTouch has still not fixed my pet peeve, its use of a deprecated Jetpack hook that fills up my error_log with notices. But that’s not js, so it does not stop the page.

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