• Resolved Malae



    I have been using the plugin for many years on sites, continued with the local checker and it has performed very well.

    On one site, WordPress ver 6.4.3, PHP 8.0, no recent changes made to the content on the pages. It uses <a href="#">Back to top</a> at various places on most pages and on a Glossary page, it uses <a href="#a">A</a> for each of the 26 letters of the alphabet to take to entries under each letter.

    Opening today, I found that Back to top has a strikethrough and each letter of the alphabet at the top of the Glossary page also has a strikethrough. All of the links still work.

    Going to the Broken Link Checker page, I found a total of 77 broken links listed, all reporting 503 Service Unavailable. I dismissed the broken links and ran the checker and so far none have reappeared. I would appreciate some advice on how, or why this may have occurred.

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  • Plugin Support Kris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @malae

    I hope you are doing well today.

    I made a test on local and cloud version with similar setup (# and #aaa) and I was not able to replicate such issue. Moreover such links have status 200

    HTTP code : 200 ===

    In your case, you had error 503 Service Unavailable, which means that the server was unavailable. This can be due to a server misconfiguration or a server resource issue during the scan. Later on, when you ran a new scan server did not have any resource issues and it did not report that issue. Theoretically, this is possible for such a scenario. I would suggest checking server logs with the hosting company from the period when you noticed strikethrough on those links and the day before that.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter Malae


    Hello Kris,
    Thanks for your quick response. I was surprised that it showed 503 errors – it must have been a hosting server glitch. No problem unless it occurs again.

    Thread Starter Malae


    It has occurred again. Until I find the cause, I have disabled Link Tweaks.

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