• Resolved tridentmarketing


    Hi All,

    I’m currently building a membership site and I need to have two fields which repeat. (Director Name) & (No of shares).

    I set up a simple repeater field, however that is just one field that repeats. Is there a way to be able to set up a group of two fields, which can repeat as needed. for example, if there are 4 directors then can we set it so as you click on add new, it adds both fields (up to the 4 directors etc)

    I was thinking if I used a header as a group, then had the repeater fields inside, but that doesn’t work.

    Is this possible?


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  • Plugin Author Scott Kingsley Clark


    We have had this on the list of feature votes recently for Pods and it hasn’t gotten the votes to be our next major feature yet. We’re hoping our donors will choose it in an upcoming major release because it would be fun to build and useful for folks.

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