• I have a password protected page on my site. I can link to another page on my site from there. I am trying to link back to the password protected page from the other page, but have to re-enter the password every time. How can I work around that?

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  • What method do you use to back up passwords? The one in WordPress or an extra plugin?

    With the former method, I can’t understand the problem you describe. I only have to enter the password once per browser session. It remembers the entry as long as I don’t close the browser.

    Can you try it without any plugins? It is possible that one of them is changing the settings for the validity of this login.

    WP’s built in password protection is very basic. Once the password is entered a cookie is set and a user will be ale to access that page until the cookie expires. While you could write custom code to make that cookie expire immediately, it’d be easier to use on of the plugins that faciliate all this for you like https://wordpress.org/plugins/password-protect-page/ (yes it has an option to expire the password cookie immediately).

    Thread Starter jhesse


    thanks for your responses. I think the issue may be that the password protected page might refresh or reload when it is linked back to. Is there a way to display the pages differently that are opened from the protected page, so that when you go back to the protected page, it will not refresh or reload?

    Thread Starter jhesse


    FYI for everyone, my work around is to copy the content of my password protected page, create a new page and paste this content in the new page. The new page is not password protected, so I can point linked pages back to this new page without having to enter the password.

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