• Hi, since I activated the Jetpack WAF (with auto_prepend) I’m getting these warnings when trying to log in:

    The IP address mentioned there is the IP of the web server itself, not my (access provider) IP.

    Is this related to the fact that we’re using Litespeed services (with the LitespeedCache plugin active) where the IP of the site is another than the server IP?

    Any solution?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hey @ravanh,

    I checked your site and the Jetpack connection, and everything seems to be working beautifully now which is a great place to start.

    As for your question about the IP block by our WAF feature, this can sometimes be due to server configurations, particularly when indeed using reverse proxies or caching systems like LiteSpeed.

    To resolve this, you may need to ensure that your server is configured to pass the real IP addresses of visitors to WordPress. You can often do this through your server settings or with the help of the LiteSpeedCache plugin.

    For LiteSpeedCache, you might need to set your X-Forwarded-For headers correctly. Please refer to the LiteSpeed documentation for instructions on how to configure this.

    Hope that answers your question!

    Thread Starter Rolf Allard van Hagen


    Thank you @erania-pinnera 🙂

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