• Resolved shshaw


    Images served through Jetpack’s CDN are not loading for some of our users in Europe ( EU/UK ). For example, our default Gravatar image resolves to the Jetpack CDN version https://i2.wp.com/assets.codepen.io/internal/avatars/users/default.png?ssl=1, but also images on our blog refuse to load for those cases as well https://blog.codepen.io/2021/08/26/a-more-tab-like-look/

    The images show up as broken on the site. If they go directly to the image without the wp.com prefix, it works ( https://assets.codepen.io/internal/avatars/users/default.png ). If they go directly to wp.com, they get a “We cannot complete this request, remote data could not be fetched”.

    We in the US haven’t been able to replicate this issue; it seems to be isolated to European region.

    This does not seem to be directly linked to the known issue with Vodafone; at least one user we talked with is not using Vodafone and experienced the issue on multiple devices/networks.

    There does not appear to be anything we can do on our end. Is this known to the Jetpack team? Any ways that we can help resolve this?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Barry


    > There does not appear to be anything we can do on our end.

    It appears your Cloudflare configuration is returning a 403 Forbidden response and captcha challenge when the Jetpack CDN requests the image from your server. Please be sure that you have added all Jetpack IP ranges to your Cloudflare allow list. You can find them here. Specifically, in this case it looks like is being blocked. Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter shshaw


    @barry That was helpful. We’ve added those IPs to our allow list and everything seems to be working now. Thank you!

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