• I was installing WP on my CPanel admin desktop but unfourtunally something goes wrong I don’t know what but I can’t open my site, and the wp-admin.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • hello,

    If you’re encountering issues after installing WordPress on your CPanel, a few common troubleshooting steps include:

    1. Check URL and Paths: Ensure the WordPress URL and Site URL are correctly configured in the WordPress settings. You can access this through the wp-config.php file or the database directly.
    2. Review Error Logs: Check error logs on your server or within the CPanel to identify any specific issues. These logs can often provide clues about what went wrong during the installation.
    3. File Permissions: Verify that file and directory permissions are set correctly. Incorrect permissions can lead to issues accessing your site or the admin area.
    4. .htaccess File: Confirm that your .htaccess file is correctly configured. You may want to temporarily rename it to see if the issue is related to this file.
    5. Database Connection: Ensure that the database credentials in your wp-config.php file are accurate. Incorrect database information can prevent WordPress from functioning.
    6. Plugins and Themes: If possible, deactivate plugins and switch to a default WordPress theme to check if the issue is related to a specific plugin or theme.
    7. Reinstall WordPress: If all else fails, consider reinstalling WordPress. You can do this by deleting the current installation (keeping a backup), creating a new database, and reinstalling WordPress.

    If you’re not comfortable doing these tasks, it might be beneficial to seek assistance from your hosting provider or a web developer who can diagnose and resolve the issue more efficiently.

    Have you examined your .htaccess file? Consider adding the default one below:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule .\* - \[E=HTTP\_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}\]
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\\.php$ - \[L\]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST\_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST\_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php \[L\]
    # END WordPress

    Additionally, upgrading your PHP version is recommended for better performance and security. If you encounter further issues or need more specific guidance, sharing a screenshot of the problem can help provide a more accurate solution.

    1. There’s something wrong with your file permissions
    Incorrect file permissions for the wp-login.php file and the wp-admin folder can prevent access to the WordPress dashboard.

    Typically, set the file permissions for all WordPress files to 664 (excluding the wp-config.php file) and for all folders to 775.

    • Ensure that the wp-admin folder is set to 775.
    • Ensure that wp-login.php is set to 664.

    2. Disable the plugin
    Log into your cPanel. Navigate to Files and File Manager. Inside public_html, search for wp_content > plugins. Rename the plugin. Once the plugin is renamed, try reloading your login screen.

    3. Flush your DNS cache
    Your computer stores the IP addresses of all the websites you visit. This helps websites to load faster since the browser doesn’t have to look up the same IP address multiple times.

    4. Change your DNS server
    Your internet service provider usually automatically assigns you a DNS server. However, there are instances when this server becomes unavailable or contains incorrect information.

    When your browser lacks the correct address for a site, it triggers a ‘this site can’t be reached’ error.

    To resolve this issue, consider switching to an alternative public DNS server, like Google Public DNS. While you have the freedom to choose any public server, be mindful that the DNS provider can potentially observe all the websites you visit.

    5. Check URL
    Verify the accurate configuration of the WordPress URL and Site URL in the WordPress settings. You can achieve this by accessing the information either through the wp-config.php file or directly in the database.

    6. Using .htaccess file
    Check the file and add following code:

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteRule .\* – \[E=HTTP\_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}\]

    RewriteBase /

    RewriteRule ^index\\.php$ – \[L\]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST\_FILENAME} !-f

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST\_FILENAME} !-d

    RewriteRule . /index.php \[L\]

    # END WordPress

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