• Resolved Jonathan Hinson


    I saw in the backend a warning “WooCommerce Legacy REST API access detected. The WooCommerce Legacy REST API has been accessed 18……. There are 3 known user agent(s) registered.”

    So, I activated the “WooCommerce Legacy REST API” plugin. But then a more alarming message appeared…

    “WooCommerce has detected that some of your active plugins are incompatible with currently enabled WooCommerce features. Please review the details.”

    Is this just referring to the “WooCommerce Legacy REST API” plugin itself?

    Will this warning now be present for as long as the “WooCommerce Legacy REST API” plugin is active?

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  • Barry


    I’m sorry for the long delay before replying, @snugsite.

    Is this just referring to the “WooCommerce Legacy REST API” plugin itself?

    That’s right, and the reason is that the Legacy REST API is not compatible with HPOS (High-Performance Order Storage).

    This was always the case, but now it lives in its own plugin a warning is triggered (we did consider suppressing it, but decided not to: the warning is accurate, and it is important that users understand why they should move away from the Legacy REST API).

    However, as is generally true of any HPOS incompatible plugin, you can still use them together if you visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Advanced ▸ Features and enable Compatibility Mode (for order data storage). We’d recommend this as a short term solution only, though, as it means you will not enjoy the full performance benefits of HPOS.

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