• Resolved wendysimone


    I’m getting duplicate displays of the icon and the aria label – screen reader sees: opens a new window; opens a new window;
    Has anyone else had this issue?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Amber Hinds


    Hi @wendysimone, I’m so sorry we missed this support request! I flagged it for our dev team and we’ll follow up with you.

    Plugin Author Steve Jones


    Hi @wendysimone, Can you first try updating to the latest version of the plugin? When I view the source code it looks like the javascript for the plugin is commented out. I’m assuming this is because you’re using some kind of plugin to consolidate javascript into one file. This is usually a performance plugin. If you are using such a plugin can you try excluding the Accessibility New Window Warnings javascript file to see if the issue is resolved?

    Thread Starter wendysimone


    I updated the plugin but the icon is still duplicating – we decided it’s better hidden for us anyway and we’ll continue to use this plugin. Thanks for the responses 🙂

    Plugin Contributor Amber Hinds


    Sorry that didn’t work for you, but I’m glad you found a solution that does.

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