• Resolved eduardoamh


    Hello everyone! I am having problems when I want to add, preview or activate a new theme. I have been following a step by step tutorial so I don’t understand what is going on. I have deactivated all plugins and tested, cleared cache and restarted and no case.

    Image 1

    Image 2

    I’m also having trouble creating a post: the page redirects to another totally blank page.

    I have followed George’s instructions, but have not been able to fix it.

    I’m desperate

    • This topic was modified 7 months ago by Yui. Reason: renamed topic, not informative name

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Artemio Morales


    I’ve taken a general look at your site and indeed, it appears to not be built with WordPress.

    It seems like websitebuilder.com has been merged with web.com, right?

    Can you give an overview of how you initially set up your website, and how you’ve started trying to implement WordPress?

    Based on that context, I or someone else here may be able to provide you with better assistance.

    Faisal Ahammad


    Hey @eduardoamh

    It’s looks like your server might have an issue, or your browser extension conflicting there.

    Can you try checking from an incognito window and see if the issue is still there? Please let me know.

    Thread Starter eduardoamh


    Hey guys I was able to fix it! I uninstalled wordpress and reinstalled it. Evidently I created the website with hostgator website builder (I didn’t remember it) and that’s where the conflicts started.

    Thank you for your answers!

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