• Hi, we use LsCache with the Image Optimization feature enabled, which creates duplicates in WEBP format (with file extension .jpg.webp) and backups of the original unoptimized images with file extension .bk.jpg in the library folder. When trying Media Library Recovery to recover older images, we find that the plugin will detect all .webp and .bk files as well and proposes to “recover” them.

    Is there any way to filter out specific file extensions before running a recovery?

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  • Plugin Author Krasen Slavov



    This is possible only with the pro version of the plugin which has a basic Search feature, it doesn’t allow you to search by extension per se but when you enter **webp** it will filter out and show all files that have webp in their names (including the extension).

    Currently in the pro version, you can only filter by types, e.g. Images, Archives, Documents, etc. but not by file extensions.


    Thread Starter Rolf Allard van Hagen


    Will that search also do “not .webp or .bk” instead? I mean: I wish to exclude all files with “.jpg.webp” and “.bk.jpg” in their name, not filter out the rest…

    Plugin Author Krasen Slavov


    Sorry but currently this isn’t possible with either the free or the pro version. I have on my todo list to improve the search feature but right not it has very basic searching capabilities.

    Thread Starter Rolf Allard van Hagen


    OK, understood. Is there maybe a filter hook that I could use?

    Plugin Author Krasen Slavov


    In the free version no. But in the pro, all the allowed file types are stored in an array. As I said under Options you can switch between groups but not by file extensions.

    $allowed_mime_types = array(
          'image'       => array( 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'tif', 'webp', 'ico', 'heic' ),
            'audio'       => ...,
            'video'       => ...,
            'document'    => ...,
            'spreadsheet' => ...,
            'archive'     => ...,

    You can easily modify the plugin if you some have basic coding skills.

    Thread Starter Rolf Allard van Hagen


    That’s too bad… Modifying the mime type array won’t work (I guess) for excluding the non-optimized backup files with extension .bk.jpg because they still have the JPEG mime type.

    Anyway, thanks for your response and explanations 🙂

    Plugin Author Krasen Slavov


    I usually don’t do that but if you can’t find another plugin that will help you, I’d be happy to install and see if I can modify the pro plugin if you get me a staging site with temp access. You can reach me using the site contact form at any time.


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