• Hello,

    when I installed the 4.9 version the form stopped working. It was giving validation errors.
    I am Using CF7 Skins logic, which hides some radio boxes if they should not be displayed.

    The problem is related to the new feature in the changelog “Shows a validation error when no option in a radio buttons group is checked”.

    This is making CF7 to check the radio boxes not displayed and validates them. They shouldn’t be validated if not displayed.

    So as a temporary workaround I downgraded. Now the request form is working.
    You can see the form here and test the radio boxes if you wish.

    I think there should be the option to disable validation for radio boxes.

    Can you please help?

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  • eaglejohn


    Same problem here. Although the changelog says it should be fixed, this bug is still present in version 4.9.1. I also downgraded to version 4.8.1 and it’s working again.

    Thread Starter utnalove


    I hope the authors will not keep ignoring this thread.
    It shouldn’t be hard to add an option to make the radio boxes mandatory or not.



    There’s barely support for this plugin. I already switched to Gravity Forms a long time ago, but some of my older sites are still using CF7…

    As I had the same issue I looked at the code and it seems as this is easy to fix. It boils down to removing the validation for the “radio” field like this:

    remove_filter( 'wpcf7_validate_radio', 'wpcf7_checkbox_validation_filter', 10 );

    Be aware that this globally disables validation for “radio”. I don’t see any side-effects right now but be aware what you are doing here.

    For anyone wanting to dig deeper, this is the relevant change in 4.9: https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/browser/contact-form-7/tags/4.9/modules/checkbox.php#L206

    Thomas —

    Thank you for the code that might solve this problem. Could you tell us specifically where to add the code?

    Edit: Never mind — I just dropped it into my “functions” file & (so far) everything works fine — no more validation error.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Jim Reading.

    Here is another solution if you still require some radio buttons to be required:

    Add a required class to your radio fields that still need to be required:

    [radio theName class:required "Yes" "No"]

    Then add this code to functions.php

    remove_filter('wpcf7_validate_radio', 'wpcf7_checkbox_validation_filter', 10);
    add_filter('wpcf7_validate_radio', function($result, $tag) {
      if (in_array('class:required', $tag->options)) {
        $result = wpcf7_checkbox_validation_filter($result, $tag);
      return $result;
    }, 10, 2);
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