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  • If a user tries to input a username with the disallowed characters, the error message is ” Please remove tags, octets and entities from login”

    I just installed a brand-new Multisite to setup, zero plugin, default theme, and I don’t see this text anywhere.

    The username field itself has the notice:

    Must be at least 4 characters, lowercase letters and numbers only.

    And when I enter invalid characters into the username field, I get the error message:

    Usernames can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.

    Test for yourself here (link valid for 24 hours, or whenever the TasteWP folks decide to shut it down):

    Additionally, I can see the two strings I quoted above in the ms-functions.php file link you mentioned in your post. But the rather cryptic string you’re trying to change is not in the file at all.

    So it doesn’t seem like this is from WordPress. Rather, this is very likely coming from the MasterStudy LMS plugin/theme you’re using.

    Thread Starter ebereorisi


    Thank you for looking into this. I’ll chat with the MasterStudy support again. I appreciate it.

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