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  • Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @lkraav,

    It seems like we’ll need to have a closer look to pass this on to our development team. Could you please open a ticket about this from > My profile > Support? You may need to create an account before you can access that page.

    Hopefully, the issue will be fixed soon.

    Thread Starter lkraav


    Thanks, but to have to dance between these 2 support portals for some obvious microchores is just mindnumbingly annoying by now.

    Why isn’t the support team here able to take care of this internal routing by themselves?

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi there @lkraav,

    Why isn’t the support team here able to take care of this internal routing by themselves?

    I completely understand your frustration with having to navigate between two different support portals.

    The reason for this is to ensure that each query is handled by the team best equipped to resolve it.

    However, as your issue seems complex to be handled on a public forum, we request opening a ticket to our internal support system, where our engineers can take a closer look at the issue and help troubleshoot further.




    We’ve also reported this on and support tickets (#6296281, #6296512 and #7482377) as back as May 2023 (!) but there’s been no progress on this.

    I guess the team expects everyone to turn off deprecation warnings and hide issues under the carpet…

    Thread Starter lkraav


    Thanks George. I believe your extensive ticket list is enough for me not needing to dance there any further.

    Experience has been that support portal is a good place to send issues to get swept under the rug and die.

    Plugin Support Feten L. a11n


    Hi there.

    Thanks George and Ikraav for your answers.

    I understand your frustration with the previous interactions and the time it’s taken to address this matter.

    I’ve reviewed the support threads you mentioned as well as the tickets on our support portal. We understand the importance of deprecated hooks and how they can impact your site functionality or development work.

    As we didn’t have many reports of merchants affected by this bug, we don’t have an ETA for when it will be resolved as the team first needs to analyze the situation and balance that with the other commitments on their plate. Rest assured, your issue is not being swept under the rug.

    We do not expect you to ignore deprecation notices, and we recognize that resolving warnings is an important part of maintaining code quality and compatibility.

    We value your persistence, and I’ll do what I can to ensure your concerns are addressed.

    Thank you for reaching out!

    Thread Starter lkraav


    Thanks, looking forward to results.



    @fetenlakhal thanks for your response

    As we didn’t have many reports of merchants affected by this bug, we don’t have an ETA for when it will be resolved as the team first needs to analyze the situation and balance that with the other commitments on their plate.

    This is flawed approach unfortunately. You assume people are capable of monitoring their logs, but the vast majority of WP/WC sites, are hosted on services where the deprecated warnings are hidden. Even if they are showing for some hosts, it would mean people would need to i) have debug.log enabled ii) know how to read it and make sense of it iii) actually monitor it.

    I can guarantee to you, that of the millions of WP sites out there, only a small number of store owners can do the above. Of those, you need to find the ones who use a similar setup to reproduce the issue and of those, you need to find the ones that bother to report the issues.

    Unfortunately, you’re left with a tiny percentage of people, so when something is reported by a handful of people, the impact is probably far greater.

    As such, if the issue is reproducable, you should be putting every effort to fix. That’s even more important when it’s a deprecated warning, which means that soon it’ll go away. Why wait till the very last minute (or worse) before fixing when you’ve known for a year?

    Plugin Support Sven L. a11n


    Hi @subscriptiongroup and @lkraav

    As a note, we have got an open issue with the developers, where this is being looked into. As @fetenlakhal mentioned though, we don’t have an ETA of when the framework will be updated to hide these depreciation messages from being displayed.

    I recommend keeping an eye on the changelog for when an update will be made, particularly in the upgrade of the SkyVerge framework specifically.

    As before, we value your feedback, and do note that not all customers have logging active, so may never be aware of the depreciation notice itself.

    When we have an update to share, we’ll share it accordingly.

    Plugin Support Sven L. a11n


    Hi @subscriptiongroup and @lkraav,

    The developers have let us know that Version 3.14 has an updated version of the required framework, and the deprecation errors should no longer be thrown.

    Let us know if the update works for you.

    Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @lkraav,

    I’m marking this topic as “resolved” due to recent inactivity. If more assistance is needed, feel free to post back here or open a new topic.


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