• Resolved lahondaannie


    The Contact Us button on the contact section on the bottom of the home page is out of alignment. I don’t see any editing function that will allow me to correct this. Can anyone help?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi there,

    Are you trying to make your footer look like this? https://prnt.sc/ligfo1

    This CSS should help you do that:

    .card .header-primary, .card .content-primary {
    position: relative;
    top: 42px;

    Feel free to suit the value until it reaches your needs, and let me know if that doesn’t work for you. 🙂

    Thread Starter lahondaannie


    That worked beautifully! But how do I get rid of the visible shortcode below the button?


    Glad that worked! I don’t think that shortcode can be removed by CSS, because CSS only targets elements. The best solution I can come up with from my end is using CSS to hide it, which is possible by using the following CSS:

    .contactus .card .content {
    color: white;

    Let me know if that works for you. 🙂

    Thread Starter lahondaannie


    That worked perfectly. Thanks! You’ve been amazing. Can I ask one more thing? The contact button used to link to the contact page, but it doesn’t any more and I don’t see an option for linking it. Any advice?

    Sorry, that isn’t something which can be done with CSS, and I’m not too familiar with the alternative methods of fixing that!

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