• Resolved Satish Prajapati


    I have Wordfence installed in my website but its scan always fails.
    I get this error message: “Scan Failed
    The current scan looks like it has failed”
    I tried looking for solutions in this forum, but didn’t find any way to fix it… Any idea? 

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @satishprajapati, thanks for reaching out to us.

    Take a look at the following documentation that goes through a range of potential scan issues: https://www.wordfence.com/help/scan/troubleshooting

    If none of those seem to work for you, can you please try the following?:

    • Stop the existing scan if it is still running (The “Start New Scan” button turns into a “Stop” button while the scan is running).
    • Go to the Tools > Diagnostics page.
    • In the “Debugging Options” section, if “Start scan remotely” is checked, uncheck this option.
    • Click to “Save Changes”.
    • Start a new scan on the Scan page.
    • If the scan fails again, copy the last 20 lines or so from the Log (click the “Show Log” link) once the scan finishes and paste them in your next reply.


    Thread Starter Satish Prajapati


    Hello @wfpeter, I have tried steps of troubleshooting.

    I have sent log files also via mail from admin section.

    Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @satishprajapati, thank-you for sending that over.

    I have received your diagnostic report which seems to suggest no issues with connectivity, permissions, firewall optimization or IP detection that might be common configuration problems to stop a scan.

    I notice your max_execution_time = 600 in php.ini, Wordfence’s scan only ever attempts to use half of this value by default but there have been known problems with higher values than 60 being set, so it could be worth making this change.

    For a screenshot of my recommended Performance setting options too – Click Here.

    Your WP_MEMORY_LIMIT should be set to 128M or 256M in wp-config.php. WooCommerce, for example, recommend 64M minimum, so if you also have many hits on the site at once especially during a Wordfence scan, a lower limit (like 40M commonly seen here) could be reached fairly easily. Your PHP memory_limit value is correctly set to allow this already.

    Grab another scan log for me using the method above and paste it here if you’ve made all of those changes and are getting the same or a new error.

    Thanks again,

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