• michaelvahl


    I’ve never encountered this bad support. Delay times in answers is about 5-6 days. It’s been 11 days now since they got my bug report – the exact same report as i submitted months ago with the same issue. Back then they managed to fix it, but right now they have no clue what’s going on. Do not download this plugin!

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  • Plugin Support Smash Balloon Joel


    Hey @michaelvahl,

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing your frustration. We understand how annoying it is to deal with delays, and we’re truly sorry for the inconvenience caused. Your feedback is invaluable, and we’re actively addressing the situation to improve response times, and your specific bug report that we dropped the ball on. Rest assured, our team is dedicated to resolving the issue you’ve reported, and ensuring a smoother experience for all users. Your patience and continued support mean a lot to us as we work towards a solution. You will receive a response from a new Technical Support Representative on our end, to get to a resolution in your case.

    Many thanks,

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