• This is a good, reliable backup plugin which does the job.

    There’s one caveat. Be careful if you use it on multiple sites with Google Drive storage enabled. The free version of this plugin places all backups from all sites in the same Google Drive folder. It should be very easy to generate a random folder name for each site.

    This shouldn’t have to be a problem, but we have backups from other sites in our recent backup lists. So when you want to restore a backup, it is not possible to see what backup belongs to what site. You cannot see that until AFTER the backup has been downloaded for restore. So if it’s from the wrong site, you have used your server storage for nothing and you can start over again which can waste valuable time when you quickly want to restore a site.

    Note that I have contacted support about this a while back, see here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/why-can-i-restore-backups-from-other-websites/#post-13003753

    They disguise this as a site migration feature, but I find it just a very annoying limitation that I encounter time and time again. If they want to earn 5 stars they should correct this.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Marcoevich.
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  • Plugin Contributor bcrodua


    Hi @marcoevich,

    We really appreciate your feedback here.

    Apologies if I was not able to explain well about how the Google Drive storage works for the free version and for the difficulties you’ve experienced with our plugin.

    For the free version, I’m afraid it only allows you to store the backup in a specific folder called “UpdraftPlus” and if using it on multiple sites that cause the problem. This is also the same for Dropbox.

    To avoid the issue and to keep your backups organised, we have UpdraftPlus Premium which allows you to store backups on separate folders.

    I’m sorry if it appears to you as a disguise for our migration feature and I hope this helps clarify how it all works.

    Best Wishes,

    Thread Starter Marcoevich


    Hi @bcrodua,

    Thank you for the clarification and taking the time to read my review. I understand how it works but my opinion remains unchanged. You could generate a random folder name for the free version and still have a premium feature which allows users to manually select or create a folder in Google Drive.

    The fact that all backups are stored in the same folder by default and that you show those as available options for restore in websites they don’t belong to is something I will never understand. It doesn’t make any sense to me why you would think this is a good user experience.

    If you insist on keeping it that way, I would suggest to add labels to the backups in the recent backup lists of the plugin. That way you can at least easily identify which backup belongs to which site.

    All the best to you,

    Plugin Contributor bcrodua


    Hi @marcoevich,

    If I may ask, can you to post your suggestions on this page https://updraftplus.com/feature-requests/, please? This gives us a centralised point for suggesting new features and allows others to support suggestions. Our team will also evaluate your suggestion and see if it is possible.

    Best Wishes,

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