• Resolved jonnevill



    On our site, we have a third party form (Ultimate Membership Pro), however, use MailChimp User Sync to transfer user data over to MailChimp.

    Within our MailChimp forms/lists we have enabled GDPR fields.
    Within our third-party form (UMP) we can create the relevant (GDPR voluntary opt-in) tick boxes.

    We would like to ensure the data collected in UMP (the GDPR voluntary opt-in), can successfully transfer to MailChimp via MailChimp User Sync. Similar to other data we have been transferring via merge tags in the MailChimpforWP>User Sync>Additional Fields.

    Despite having in our MailChimp forms GDPR fields enabled, they do not appear in the drop down options within MailChimpforWP>User Sync>Additional Fields.

    Is this just down to cache or something more to do with what is states on the MailChimp website:
    “GDPR fields are not compatible with embedded forms, form integrations, or MailChimp Subscribe”.

    I’m really keen to get this sorted as it will define whether I continue to use MailChimp for WP.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Lap


    MailChimp does not let us set those GDPR fields via the API, but instead advised us and our users to use normal interest groups. You can include those in the form as checkboxes and it will be saved in MailChimp and let you create segments based on what boxes someone checked.
    If you add new interest groups it can take awhile before the button to insert them into the forms show in our plugin, to speed that up go to Mailchimp for WP > Mailchimp after creating the interest groups and click the “Renew MailChimp Lists” button to directly pull in the latest fields and lists.

    To see some samples about interest groups in UserSync, see:

    Any further questions about UserSync can be posted in the appropriate forum over here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/mailchimp-sync/

    Thank you!!

    Do not hesitate to contact the MailChimp support and ask them to allow us to be able to set subscribers marketing preferences from an external form. The more request they receive for this feature, the more likely they will add this feature.

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