• Plugin Author Patrick Lumumba


    Hi everyone,

    First and foremost, I would like to thank David Artiss for his unwavering dedication and hard work in developing this remarkable plugin. His contributions have been invaluable, and we owe him a debt of gratitude for bringing this powerful tool to the WordPress community.

    It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself as the new developer of Footnotes Made Easy. My name is Patrick Lumumba, and I’m excited to take over the reins and ensure that this plugin continues to grow, adapting to the ever-changing needs of our users.

    One of my primary goals is to maintain the plugin’s active development and seamless updates. You can rest assured that I will work tirelessly to address any issues that may arise, ensuring a smooth and reliable experience for all users.

    However, I cannot do this alone. Your feedback and suggestions are essential in shaping the future of this plugin. I encourage you to share your ideas and feature requests by creating issues on the plugin’s GitHub repository. Your input will be invaluable in helping me prioritize and implement the enhancements that matter most to you.

    Together, we can take Footnotes Made Easy to new heights, making it an indispensable tool for all WordPress users who value clean, organized, and professional-looking content with seamless footnote integration.

    Thank you for your continued support and trust in Footnotes Made Easy. I look forward to an exciting journey ahead, one filled with innovation and collaboration.

    Best regards,

    Patrick Lumumba.

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  • JCV


    Thanks Patrick, looking forward to using your improvements!

    Plugin Author Patrick Lumumba


    Hello @psykonevro,

    Thank you for your continued support. If you have any ideas and feature requests, you are welcome to create issues on the plugin’s GitHub repository. I’ll be happy to make them happen.

    Patrick L.

    Yes, thanks, Patrick! I am so grateful you have stepped up to continue this plugin! 🙂


    P.S. Quick question, is it allowed to link to a website in a review to show the plugin in action?

    Plugin Author Patrick Lumumba


    Hi Sarah,

    Thanks for your support.

    Oh yeah. I guess so. It actually helps me see the plugin in action.



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