• Resolved pannelars


    Has created an form with only e-mail field. Added the Mailchimp integration to the form. Mailchimp API is green and it work when i add it to the form. I add the correct Audience group.

    The error i get in the log is ths:

    Failed in Mailchimp Feeds at 2024-04-27 09:38:53

    This value is not a valid IP. Valid IPs have a format of W.X.Y.Z where each letter represents a number between 0-255.

    Any input to where i can check to fix the issue?

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  • Plugin Support Amimul Ihsan Mahdi


    Hello there,

    Can you please go to Fluent Forms Global Settings and check the option Disable IP Logging as shown in the screenshot? Hopefully, this will resolve the issue.

    Let us know the update.

    Thank you

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