• Resolved Tony G


    Excerpt > Field Options > Field Size allows multiple selections.

    This is just a visual artifact. The last option selected is the one that is used.

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  • Plugin Support Saiful Islam


    Hi @starbuck,

    → Have you checked for any theme or plugin conflicts on your website? It appears there might be a conflict on your site. So, you’ll need to investigate if it’s coming from any other plugin.

    Please make sure that you’ve already done the conflict test. If you haven’t yet, please follow the below procedures for testing purposes.

    • Deactivate all plugins except the latest version of the WP User Frontend Plugin.
    • Use a default theme such as twenty-twenty or twenty-twenty-one.
    • Use the default language on your website.
    • Make sure you’re using PHP version 8.1 on your website.
    • Clear your site cache as well as the browser cache, and try the process again.

    If you are still having the problem, then kindly contact through the website for further assistance.


    Thread Starter Tony G


    Deactivate all of my plugins to check your one-off control issue? HA!

    Before copy/pasting text as though the answer might be there, how about YOU look at YOUR form and see if Excerpt has this anomaly. THEN you can suggest that the issue might be site-specific.

    Try Firefox and Chrome.
    Open DevTools and make sure cache is disabled.

    Mama Mia!

    Plugin Support Saiful Islam


    Hello, I have tested the scenario on my local server and did not encounter any problems with field size and it does not allow multiple options at a time.

    If you are experiencing issues, kindly contact through the website for further assistance.


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