• Hey. First of all. I installed and activated your plugin and got to say it looks amazing! A very nice first impression!

    A client has for a while been making page next to page (2 spread) magazine layouts and saved it as a PDF file. In the regular linking system in WordPress. As in inserting a image thumbnail in Gutenberg and linking to a PDF it opens through the browser showing the PDF as one long page after another. This has basicially ruined the clients layout. After installing the 3d Flipbook plugin the layout shows up nicely with the 2 spread layout the client has made.

    I noticed the image thumbnail was very small so I found another thread and figured out I had to add some custom CSS to the df-popup-thumb .df-book-wrapper code. Here it would be nice to be able to easier control the size of the thumb in relation to desktop view and mobile view.

    Btw it would also be nice to control where in the left sidebar backend WordPress menu the Flipbook settings are seen. As many plugins do add it to the bottom of the WordPress menu, and it would also be helpful to have the option to move the Flipbook to the bottom left of the backend WordPress menu.

    I noticed that it does not open a new tab and I am not able to use the browser back button to go back to the regular page. As one has to click the top right X to exit the PDF. It would also be helpful to use the browser back button to return to the page or have the option to open the PDF in a new tab.

    One there is only one category in use it would be good to have this preselected.

    When there are multiple PDF files on a page they all animate. It would be helpful to be able to turn off the animation.

    Password protected/draft mode etc. It seems adding those in will not change the visibility of the PDF when the shortcode has been added. The client needs to look through before these become visible it seems the only way to do so is removing the shortcode.

    I run a WordPress tutorial web site, and I am seriously thinking about creating a tutorial in relation to your plugin.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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