• Resolved mlestevez17


    Hi, I can’t access the admin panel, I get a fatal error warning with the site and it seems to be related to Elementor and the Elementor Header & Footer Builder Plugin. How can I access my site and download those plugins? Thanks

    Warning: require_once(/home/customer/www/mizuna.uy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/header-footer-elementor/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/customer/www/mizuna.uy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/header-footer-elementor/header-footer-elementor.php on line 32

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/customer/www/mizuna.uy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/header-footer-elementor/vendor/autoload.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php74/pear’) in /home/customer/www/mizuna.uy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/header-footer-elementor/header-footer-elementor.php on line 32

Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • I had a similar problem, I haven’t been able to solve the problem yet, but if you disable the plugin from the admin panel, you can access your site.

    If you solve the problem, could you please share it with me?

    Thread Starter mlestevez17


    Hi @zalocan, I disable the two last plugins I installed and its seems to work.

    Hello, i’ve the same problem. what can i do? i can’t access admin panel, how can i disable the plugins?


    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by simone7.

    Go with FTP or SFTP to “YourWEBSite”/wp-content/plugins/header-footer-elementor/ and Edit the PHP File “header-footer-elementor.php”


    Change from

    * Include Composer autoloader.
    require_once HFE_DIR . ‘vendor/autoload.php’;


    * Include Composer autoloader.
    * require_once HFE_DIR . ‘vendor/autoload.php’;
    Save and login normal with YourWEBSite”/wp-admin

    I am unable to reach my admin console and when I try the FTP solution it keeps asking for a username and password. What do I need to do to get to my admin console so I can take care of this?

    @mlaughter As far as I know, you will have to go through FTP and edit that file, or restore the website from a backup if your host has provisions for that. If you want to edit the file, you must ask your provider for the user name and password for your FTP access.

    @jhertel2 Thanks for the info. We did figure out what the problem was with the admin console. FYI for everyone – you have to use the original recovery email link sent to you from wordpress. We had been forwarding the email sent and the link was not working at the addresses it was forwarded to. Something said to try the original email and it worked. we were able to make the fix.

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 2 days ago by mlaughter.

    Just for others with the same problem: Instead of using FTP, there is often also the option of going through the “File Manager” (or similar) of your website host. In that File Manager, there is usually an option to edit individual files, and then you can make the change mentioned by turheim above.

    As soon as you make the change and save the file, and go to the affected website, the website will work again, and, if auto-update is enabled for the Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin, within a few minutes it will have auto-updated the plugin again (currently to version 1.6.31). (If auto-update is not enabled for that plugin, update the plugin manually in the /wp-admin interface.)

    That update will then change the edited file to a corrected version, and everything will be fine again.

    J’ai rencontré le même problème que vous. J’ai rectifié comme vous l’avez indiqué et j’ai de nouveau accès à la page admin du site. Merci !

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 1 day ago by optyweb.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 1 day ago by optyweb.
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