• I have done some research but couldn’t find a solution. If you created a WordPress website and then convert it to an android and IOS app and users, for e.g create an account they will receive an login info email. My problem is, is that the link in the email won’t redirect a user back to the app, but instead it will link back to the web based URL of the WordPress website.

    Any ideas? Thank you!

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  • Hello,

    What platform did you use to convert it to the app? I believe this is a question best answered by the service provider.

    Moderator bcworkz


    The main problem is you cannot invoke an app via a HTTPS URL. Apps require a different validation scheme. I’m not an app dev so I’m unsure how this mechanism is normally done. I recommend asking in either the WP Mobile App forum or any other app developer forum on other platforms like Stack Overflow.

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