• gleysen


    Hi, I used code profiler plugin to check what plugins were using the most time to load, and to my surprise it was the admin menu plugin … and on the frontend?!…
    Why is the plugin loaded on the frontend when nobody is logged in?
    Can you disable this? (because I only need it for the admin menu, in the backend)

    • This topic was modified 1 month ago by gleysen.
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  • Plugin Author Janis Elsts


    Disabling it entirely is not as straightforward as one might expect, but in theory the plugin should have a fairly minimal impact when nobody is logged in. For example, most of the menu-related code shouldn’t even be running in that context.

    Did the profiling plugin provide any details about which part of the code is taking the most time, like a specific function or a file?

    Thread Starter gleysen


    wp-content/plugins/admin-menu-editor-pro/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php took the longest

    Plugin Author Janis Elsts


    It looks like this is an issue specific to the Pro version – the free version doesn’t even have that file. Unfortunately, WordPress.org forum rules do not allow using these forums to provide support for paid plugins, so I can’t respond further here. Please use this contact form instead.

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