• Resolved robelco



    First of all kudos for the user friendly plugin! But is it possible to provide me the CSS code to remove highlight icon on hover? Or to provide a choice for this in the menu of the plugin?

    Best regards,


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Colin Devroe


    Hello @robelco – Thank you for the suggestion. We’ll add an option to remove this effect to our roadmap. I’m running Hubbub on my personal site redesign and I can see wanting that myself!

    In the meantime, here is the CSS you asked for. This should do it.

    .dpsp-networks-btns-wrapper .dpsp-network-btn:focus, .dpsp-networks-btns-wrapper .dpsp-network-btn:hover {
    box-shadow: none !important;

    Of course, when we update Hubbub to include this option, you’ll want to remove this CSS. Thank you again!

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