• Resolved cybeardjm


    Hi, I use the Twent Twenty-Three theme.

    Many images inside posts are centered. But when this plugin is activated, they all appear on the left.

    Tried to investigate the CSS, but haven’t found the culprit so far…

    Had to disable the plugin for now…


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  • Plugin Support Herman Asrori (BSF)


    Hi @didierjm,

    I am able to replicate this on my dev site. Thanks for bringing this to our attention and we are sorry for the inconvenience you may have because of this.

    As a workaround, please add the following CSS to your site

    #bsf_rt_marker .wp-block-image.aligncenter {
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;

    To add the CSS you can go to yourdomain.com/wp-admin/customize.php then add the CSS to the Additional CSS. Refer to this screenshot, please.

    Please let us know how you go.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

    Plugin Support Herman Asrori (BSF)


    Hi @didierjm,

    We just released an update, v1.0.8 contains the fix for the issue. Please update the plugin and confirm the fix. Don’t forget to remove the custom CSS I shared above.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

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