• I have a brand new installation of woocommerce on a website that hasn’t launched yet. I downloaded the plugin based on the warning received and now it says that the default setting “High-performance order storage (recommended)” is conflicting with it and I shouldn’t activate the new plugin. So what am I supposed to do?

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  • Barry


    Hi @christinelouise,

    I have a brand new installation of woocommerce on a website that hasn’t launched yet.

    That’s a little strange because, on a brand new installation of WooCommerce, the Legacy REST API should not be enabled (and you should not see the corresponding warning).

    Do you actually require it? Perhaps you added an extension that auto-enabled it, or someone else on your team enabled it for some reason? Here are some things worth double-checking:

    • If you visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Advanced ▸ Legacy API, is the legacy API actually enabled? If it is not, you will not require this plugin.
    • If you visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Advanced ▸ Webhooks, do you see any legacy webhooks? See also next point.
    • If you visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Advanced ▸ REST API, do you see any API keys?

    If the answer to the first question, or to both of the last two questions, is “no”, then it is also very unlikely you require this plugin or are actually using the legacy API (in which case, you might consider disabling it).

    I downloaded the plugin based on the warning received and now it says that the default setting “High-performance order storage (recommended)” is conflicting with it and I shouldn’t activate the new plugin.

    We understand this can be confusing. Let me try to explain:

    • The Legacy REST API is not fully compatible with High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS). Hence the warning.
    • You can still use them together, though, if you visit WooCommerce ▸ Settings ▸ Advanced ▸ Features and enable Compatibility Mode (for order data storage).

    In the end, this plugin is intended as a temporary measure: our end goal is to have everyone move away from the Legacy REST API and use a currently supported version of the API instead. In cases where that is not possible, installing and activating this plugin is possible but does come with caveats (compatibility with HPOS is one of those).

    So what am I supposed to do?

    Hopefully the above is useful, but it’s a lot to digest—so please don’t hesitate to let me know if I can clarify anything.

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