• Hello.
    I use Polylang many years now and I have a big problem of compatibility Polylang with WP Bakery 6.8.
    When I activate version 6.8 of WP Bakery, no more images are displayed on the site
    I use Polylang at 2 costumer sites and there is the same problem.
    Unable to update to WP Bakery 6.8.
    It’s really very annoying. The sites are very big and online. If I have to change plugin now, there would be the whole site structure to modify. It’s a huge job.
    Do you plan to do anything to fix the bug?
    I am willing to pay for a Pro version if necessary, but I would like to be sure that the bug is fixed.`
    Thank you in advence for an quikly answer.
    Best regards

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  • Plugin Support Chrystl



    This issue has been introduced in the 6.8.0 version of WP Bakery. The WP Bakery team is aware of this issue and plan to fix it in their next release. Waiting this fix you need to revert to thier 6.7.0 version.

    Thread Starter maharathi


    Thanks for the quick and clear answer.
    So, I guess I just have to wait hoping that the problem will finally be solved.
    Have a nice day.

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