• Hello,

    your plugin looks great but i’m facing a bug in the responsive view. I used the shortcode with two column layout.

    When I switch to a smaller view (laptop 13″, tablet landscape, tablet portrait, smartphone landscape) the layout “breaks” making first two columns, then one with an empty column, then two again. The same problem occurs when I use the Elementor Widget and/or I use the 3 column layout.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Kushang Tailor


    Hello @lucasnetbanana ,

    First of all sorry for late response!
    Yes, I checked the issues with column layouts in responsive mode. For that I will release the next updated version of the plugin to fixing this issue & some minor bugs.

    So, Please stay in touch with me. Whenever I’ll release latest version of the plugin, I’ll update to you here!

    And Thanks for using my product. Appreciate!

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