• Resolved eugenien



    I’m trying to change the blue link colors on my site to white, but while they all show white on the computer they are all blue on the phone.

    Can you please help me with code to change the meta, tags, categories all blue colors and link colors to white?

    That blue is so hideous.

    Thanks in advance!

    I’m using the Twenty Twenty-Four theme.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Have you already solved this? Because I don’t see any blue colouring. With any browser. Not even on my mobile phone.

    Thread Starter eugenien


    No, it’s not solved. I’m using an android phone and it’s showing a hideous blue for the meta, category, tags…is there a way to upload a screenshot here? Even the HOME and VIDEO at top of page is blue/purple.

    I’ve just had another look – no, they’re all white for me. Even though I’ve visited them before.

    Clear the cache of your browser on your mobile phone, maybe there’s something older in there.

    You can upload screenshots to an image uploader of your choice and link them here, e.g. here: https://imgur.com/

    Thread Starter eugenien


    Hi, I’m not sure how to upload the images that way so I added them at the bottom of that same video page link. I cleared the cache but it’s still blue. I don’t have another phone but I’ve looked at it on 4 different computers (mac, windows, wide screen, narrow screen) and they are not blue at all. just the phone blue.

    Which phone to you use and which browser (and its version) on it?

    Thread Starter eugenien


    Thanks for asking me that! I was using Samsung Internet and I just downloaded Chrome and it looks ok on Chrome, so Samsung internet is the problem and I’m sure not many people use.

    Thanks so much for your kind help!!!

    Well, that explains it, of course. You are welcome to set the topic to solved.

    Thread Starter eugenien


    Great! Thanks. I will.

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