• Resolved fountaini


    There seem to be a problem with the custom menu in WordPress. I can no longer access the Appearance > Widgets page as it shows an error message in each widget area. Message is:(there has been a critical error on this website. Please check you site admin email inbox for instructions). The problem is there is no e-mail with instructions in my inbox.
    I believe the Pinterest widget is in the “Sidebar Under Menu” area but I cannot see anything. In fact it looks completely different to how it used to look before WordPress had some big update. My theme has not changed and supported these widgets and all was well until the Pinterest button stopped working. Now I can’t even find it to remove or fix it.

    Please help. Thanks.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Tara King


    Hi @fountaini!

    There should be an error in your website logs. Check the error log on your server. If you can’t find the log, please contact your host.

    Enable wp_debug and wp_debug_log and after an error, look at wp-content/debug.log to see if anything gets logged there. https://wordpress.org/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/

    You can also try this: Please attempt to disable all plugins, and use one of the default (Twenty*) themes. If the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of your troubles.

    Thread Starter fountaini


    Thank you. I was not looking in the right place to delete that Pinterest button. I fixed my problem by going to Appearance > theme options. Still no clue what the error was about with the widget page and I will try to figure it out later.

    Thanks again for your fast response.


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