• Resolved Malae



    WordPress 6.4.3 PHP 8.0 installed. The plugin cannot be activated.
    PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_cache_add() (previously declared in /wp-includes/cache.php:41) in /wp-content/plugins/memcached/object-cache.php on line 19

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  • Moderator Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    This plugin isn’t a plugin per-se, it’s a Object cache drop-in, and requires additional steps in order to use it. Including having a separate Memcache server and configuration in wp-config.php as appropriate.

    Some installation instructions are available in the Installation tab on the plugin page.

    This “plugin” can’t be used as a plugin, as it’s required to be loaded before WordPress fully inialises, and before it loads plugins.

    I’ve opened an issue to have the plugin activation step lead to something more helpful than a fatal error.

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