• Hello,

    I have two languages on my website. I would like to turn off translation for authors. I see that in settings I have the ability to change “Custom post types and Taxonomies”, however, the option for translating authors is gray, and is ticked. I would like to uncheck this value, so that polylang stops translating authors.

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  • Plugin Author Chouby



    I guess your “authors” post type or taxonomy is coming from your theme or a plugin. The author of this them or plugin should have included a multilingual compatibility and decided that this post type or taxonomy must be translated. That’s why it’s ticked and grayed in the Polylang settings.

    This is probably done by the mean of a wpml-config.xml file at the root of the theme or plugin folder (This is also achievable via PHP but this possibility is more rarely used). The setting should be in the custom-types or taxonomies section.
    To override the setting, you can create your own wpml-config.xml file, replacing the translate attribute value from 1 to 0 and place this new file at the root of your child them folder if you have or in the folder wp-content/polylang (you have to create it) otherwise.

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