• Elementor brags about having earned an award with their customer service: I really don’t compute how this can be.

    Impossible to chat with an agent (despite what they pretend), the problem resolution takes ages through emails, especially since the solutions proposed don’t work and are even most of the time very basic stuff.

    When creating a ticket, it is suggested to do some trials, which are requested again at the first contact with an agent level 1. My issue has been escalated to level 2 after the level 1 recognized he couldn’t do anything about it, and now level 2 agent is asking me basic stuff again.

    In the meantime, I am loosing a huge amount of time in my business development, with not the apropriate support for a plugin I paid for.

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  • Luis from Elementor


    Hello, I’m truly sorry to hear about your experience with support. If you are still having any issues please write us at feedback@support.elementor.com and we’ll get back to you very soon.

    We would love to take this opportunity to improve our support, if you could share with us more details about your experience we would really appreciate it.

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