• Resolved shauny


    I’ve changed my user avatar on my website, but it hasn’t changed on the fediverse when I look at my profile – how can I force a change here?

    it’s been weeks so it’s not just a caching issue. Thanks.

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  • Plugin Contributor Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic 🚀

    Could you post a link to your site and the Fediverse handle for your author, so we can check how things look like?


    Thread Starter shauny


    Sure. The site is https://tardis.guide – my user account is https://tardis.guide/author/shauny/ – see the avatar. Then on Mastodon it’s @shauny@tardis.guide – showing old avatar.

    As well as this issue, does editing and deleting posts work?

    Plugin Contributor Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic 🚀

    I believe this may be because you use a specific plugin (Ultimate Member) to manage user profile pictures on your site. I’m not familiar with how the plugin works, but it seems it may not always replace the image that WordPress itself sends back when themes or plugins like ActivityPub ask for a user’s profile image with WordPress’ get_avatar_url function.

    Looking at the plugin’s source code, it would appear that it can replace the image, but only if the “Use Gravatars?” setting is disabled.

    Could you try to go to Settings > Discussion in your dashboard, and disable that option? Once you’ve done so, try searching for your @shauny@tardis.guide ActivityPub actor in another Mastodon instance where your data hasn’t been cached yet.

    Let us know how it goes!

    Thread Starter shauny


    Hi. Thanks for looking into this. I have tried disabling Gravatar, then I changed my avatar again and edited the bio too, and cleared all caches on the site and Cloudflare plus logged out and deleted my Mastodon app and then checked again –

    It doesn’t seem to have worked. Still showing the same old avatar and the same old bio?

    Not sure what it could be!

    Plugin Author Matthias Pfefferle


    Mastodon has quite an aggressive caching, it could cause some time to be updated on the fediverse.

    With version 2.0 of the ActivityPub plugin, there will be a basic profile update activity, that should force Mastodon to clear the cache.

    Thread Starter shauny


    Ok thanks I will keep checking and mark this as resolved if it worked!

    I have some other questions, I’ll make another thread though.

    Thread Starter shauny


    I found a Mastodon account that I hadn’t checked before on, and it works thanks!

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