• Resolved Shubham Sedani


    Well, I am working with your plugin since so long but now I am working on a functionality in which i’ll need the multistep form [Based on the number of people i’ll need to collect the information on the second form].

    So is there any support for multistep form or on submission can I redirect to another form with some information?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Author wpdevelop


    By default it’s does not possible.
    1) But in the paid versions of Booking Calendar you can configure the JavaScript to show or hide specific form sections, depends from the selection of the options in select-boxes, so it’s will be looking like the second step in such form, but in reality it’s conditional logic.

    Please check more here https://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/show-hide-fields-depend-from-selected-option/

    2) Also in the paid versions you can configure the multi steps forms, just by using specific form sections and “Next/Back” button, to show/hide specific form section.

    Kind Regards.

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