• Hi,
    Very nice plugin. Functions as expected. Thank you very much 🙏
    I’m using a /admin-login.php for administrators, and /member-login.php for website users.

    I do have three questions:
    1. How can I apply Default or Theme template to the alternative users login page?
    2. How can I access the /members-login.php as a pretty url without the php extension: /members-login ?
    3. How can I add the alternative login page to WordPress Pages?

    Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author tmatsuur


    Thanks @mistique76.

    Current specifications, access to the alternative login page is only permitted through the designated URL, and access from any other URL will result in an error. We would like you to understand that modifying this specification would require alterations to the plugin itself.

    Due to this constraint, changing the design of the alternative login page will be quite limited.

    The URL of the alternative login page can be obtained as follows:

    $secondary_login_url = $GLOBALS['plugin_login_rebuilder']->wp_secondary_login_url();
    var_dump( $secondary_login_url );

    If you need the URL in the theme template, please use this.

    The common aspect in all answers is to enable registration of an alternative URL for the alternative login page.

    Utilizing this alternative URL, employing add_rewrite_rule() would likely serve as a solution for the second question.

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