• Resolved hehehuhu



    I use Simple 301 Redirects plugin, and i had 20-30 redirects. One day ago, I noticed:
    the redirects are deleted!

    I don’t know why..but I want to rebuild this redirects. I’ve a lot of backups (file & db).

    Where this rewrites stored (.htaccess , database table (which) , etc…)?

    Many thanks!

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  • I think they are stored in the DB, under <dbprefix>_redirection_items. There should be four tables, redirection_logs, redirection_items, redirection_modules, and redirection_groups. If they are missing or empty, likely they are gone unless you restore an old db, or setup a new DB side-by-side, restore a backup to it, export the log data, replace the schema name and import to live db.

    As to how they got deleted, yo no se. Maybe there’s a cleaner/optimizer plugin that removed it.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by manyourisms. Reason: Typos
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