• Hi, I’m using the latest version of your great Maxwell theme.

    If I run a Lighthouse test in the Chrome Developer Tools, I get the following “Accessibility” hint:

    Buttons do not have an accessible name — “When a button doesn’t have an accessible name, screen readers announce it as “button”, making it unusable for users who rely on screen readers. Learn more.”

    Failing Elements: button.primary-menu-toggle.menu-toggle

    <button class="primary-menu-toggle menu-toggle" aria-controls="primary-menu" aria-expanded="false" <?php maxwell_amp_menu_toggle(); ?>>

    Hope you can add an accessible name.


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  • Theme Author ThemeZee


    Hello Andreas,

    Thanks so much for using Maxwell and letting me know about the issue.

    I have added an Accessibility check with Lighthouse on our ToDo list. We will try to fullfill all requirements and fix any errors. We usually add aria attributes and check for color contrasts and keyboard navigation etc., but has been some time where I last used the Lighthouse test.


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