• Resolved sao987


    Somehow my other post got deleted for reasons I don’t konw, hopefully this one won’t.

    I recently started using WPML for my site and I noticed that the meta description for all my languages is the same as the one I wrote in SEO Settings – Homepage Settings – Meta Description. However, since this is written in English, it’s not desirable.

    I did some research and I found this on your site:

    Issue #1a: Homepage settings (homepage shows latest posts)
    All options set on the global SEO Settings page for the homepage will affect all languages. So, if you put a custom title for the homepage there, all configured languages will have their title changed.
    Therefore, we advise against filling in the homepage settings when using a same-site translation plugin. When using WPML or Polylang, we urge you not to set the homepage as a blog. Instead, we recommend setting the homepage as a static page.

    However, my theme uses shows latest posts as a static frontpage, it’s not possible to edit frontpage SEO and also not possible to convert to a page.

    Is there any solution or should I just give up? Thanks!

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