Directory – Toni Schneider's blog

Hi. I’m Toni Schneider.

I live in San Francisco and my email is

I’m a happy dad of three grown kids, a perpetual optimist, and per my friend Om, someone who loves life and living. I started my career as a software engineer, which led to being a startup founder & CEO, and eventually an investor at True Ventures. This interview and podcast capture some of my thoughts about startup investing.

I’ve had the opportunity to work with outstanding teams in areas like 3D audio, VR, webmail, online music, blogging, AI, carbon capture, biodegradable plastics, and more.

Highlights of my career include operating one of the top 10 web sites in the world; helping start one of the leading venture capital firms in Silicon Valley; running an exciting startup that got acquired by Yahoo!; being voted Silicon Valley’s best startup CEO; starting the Yahoo! Developer Network; and helping invent 3D audio software for NASA.


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