
ShopTalk – A live podcast about front end web design and UX. Search


Sven Neumann aka Sven Codes talks with us about SudokuPad, developing a cross-platform app, integrating new puzzles and features, the benefits of being easy to use, building a community, and monetizing an app while not upsetting your user base.


Matt Visiwig on SVGBackgrounds

Matt Visiwig stops by to chat with us about his site,, a membership site for copy-and-paste website graphics built around SVG. We talk about why he built the site, how he decided to monetize it, competing with AI garbage on the web, pricing membership options, and how he's running the site.


Economic & AI Vibes with Jason Grigsby

We're chatting with Jason Grigsby about what a white-collar recession means, how the sources and methods of consuming news shape our perspectives, whether the current economic conditions represent a market correction and if a rebound is imminent. We explore the critical decision of whether to embrace AI advancements or risk being left behind. We also talk about AI-generated voices, large language models and ethics, and the impact of social media signals in an AI world.


Strum Machine with Luke Abbott

Luke Abbott is the creator of Strum Machine, an app that simulates backing tracks by stitching together individual notes, chords, and strums recorded on guitar, standup bass, and mandolin. We talk about what Strum Machine does, why he decided to build it, how bringing on a professional designer helped, pricing thoughts, and the "fun" of building a version on iOS.


Dave Goes Windows For Real

Dave's got job news to share, as well as insight into the process of what applying for a job in tech is like in 2024. We also talk about styling, scoping, positioning, and floating UI.